Public Hearings 101: Testifying | SC Utility Consumer Skip to main content
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Public Hearings 101: Testifying

Public Hearings 101 Image
Thu, 11/17/2022

Periodically, the Public Service Commission will host in-person public hearings in communities around the state, generally related to applications from utility providers that ask the Commission to approve a rate increase. These hearings are announced on the PSC website and notices will be sent out in your bill, so you should always know when a public hearing is coming up. Before you testify at a hearing, you’ll need to know the basic procedures, and this blog is here to help!

First, check the notice to make sure you have the date, time, and docket right. Dockets are the folders the Commission uses to track all materials related to a certain case, and you can explore the Commission’s Docket Management System at Once you’ve confirmed the date, time, and venue, show up at the location listed on the notice shortly before the start of the hearing.

When you arrive, you’ll be asked to sign in. In-person public hearings generally begin at 6 p.m., so you may want to arrive early to ensure you can sign up if you haven’t preregistered.

The hearing will open with a welcome from the Commission, a brief address from any representatives of the utility provider or providers, and an outline of proceedings from the Office of Regulatory Staff. The hearing will then be opened to members of the public who have signed up to speak in the order in which they signed up.

Once your name is called, please approach the microphone. You’ll be asked to affirm that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth by a representative of the Commission; once you have affirmed this, you’ll be given the go-ahead to testify. You’ll have three minutes to testify, which the Commission will track. Once those three minutes have elapsed, a representative of the Commission will inform you, and you’ll be expected to immediately stop testifying. We want to make sure everyone gets their say, so it’s important to respect that time limit.

Some quick tips to make sure your testimony goes smoothly:

  • Many testifiers find it useful to bring notes to make sure you cover the comments you want to deliver to the Commission.
  • Practice what you’re going to say ahead of time—this can reduce stress and make sure your comments are under three minutes.
  • Don’t leave the stand once your three minutes are up—Commissioners may have questions for you to answer clarifying your testimony or further explaining your position.

If you have questions about this process, you can reach out to the Public Service Commission at or by calling 803.896.5100.

Public Service Commission

101 Executive Center Drive, Suite 100

Columbia, SC 29210
